Principal's Corner

Welcome to Shirley Lanham Elementary School

It is indeed a pleasure to welcome you to Shirley Lanham Elementary School. Our Staff accepts into its outstretched arms the most precious commodity anyone can receive, our community's children. We accept this awesome responsibility with humility, vigor, compassion and courage. We pledge to you our passion for the individual security, safety and success of each child. We offer our unfailing desire to serve our students and our community and to give them the necessary skills to become competent problem solvers and outstanding citizens!

What parents value or believe defines what is important to their children. When you value education and believe it is important, so will your children. Our partnership with you in this shared value is critical. Your child's education is our priority! The staff, parents, and surrounding community share a common vision. High quality classroom instruction, students who are highly motivated to learn, a warm and nurturing learning environment, and a supportive and encouraging parent community make Shirley Lanham Elementary School a great place to work. We are "P.R.O.U.D." (Always do our personal best. Respect individual differences. Take ownership of academic and social choices for life-long learning. Understand the responsibilities of living in a global community. Develop critical thinking skills by participating in local and global community service activities).

It is our goal that all students shall leave our school with the ability to read, write, and compute at successful levels that will enable them to experience academic success at the next level and beyond. To ensure this success, the staff is dedicated to the use of sound instructional practices and high quality instructional materials, including the integration of technology throughout the curriculum. Our instructional programs combine the structures of best practice teaching, explicit skill instruction and guided instruction in literacy and math, which is embedded within a meaningful context through differentiated instruction.

Students have the ability to go beyond the "basics," through the use of technology and through an intentional focus on meeting the needs of each individual student. We are excited to be working with such a talented and dedicated staff in a school where parents are supportive of our efforts. Children are our greatest natural resource. We take seriously our responsibility to nourish, protect and develop children to their fullest potential and thank you for your trust in us!


Shirley Lanham Elementary School

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